In Surrey – This Coverall repair for a 42 x 60 turned out beautiful. This building is used for general storage.
City of Pitt Meadows is using this wonderful 32 x 120 Britespan Easy Access buidling for vehicle storage!
This Britespan Atlas is fire rated and on a 2 block foundation, with 2 man doors (1 on each wall) This building is used for lumber storage.
This 80 x 198 Britespan Apex metal building is a wonderful riding arena with a man door and a clopay door on each end and metal siding on all 4 sides, 10′ above grade.
Britespan Atlas 72 with post-production hot dipped galvanized trusses, installed on an embedded lock block foundation
This Atlas 42 x 60 is used as a salt shed and located in Kamloops, BC . The white cover with grey end flaps give it a beautiful finish.
This 32×70 structure is located in Princeton, BC, for the Search and Rescue.